Sahasra Entrepreneurial Resources Limited (SAHASRA) is a Company incorporated in 2012 under the Companies Act, (bearing the registration number PB 5025) having its registered office at #36/44, Rosmead Place, Colombo – 07, and principal place of business operations at #70/2/3 A, 2nd Floor, YMBA Building, Colombo – 08.

Sahasra Entrepreneurial is one of the premier and prestigious holdings in Sri Lanka that is in the process of managing and accelerating of entrepreneurial resources, and holds Colombo Investment Platform (Private) Limited, Ceylon Venture Capital (Private) Limited and Ceylon Corporate Secretaries (Private) Limited as associates, and ventured with Colombo Consultants.

Our specialisation


“Making unconceived vision into a reality”, Sahasra introduced a revolutionary concept into the corporate philosophy. Stepping towards the objectives of the Company, it retrospects its behavour and continuously improving towards its Vision; More info


In the year 2013, strategic plan of Sahasra was inaugurated. Entering into the commercial operations, Sahasra introduced a global standardization program for its existing and potential customers. More Info

We are good at

Finance 95%
Programming 80%
Marketing 65%
Secretarial 50%
Administration 85%